I strive to be at the heart of our community and to be flexible and responsive in my approach. I aim to inspire individuals to feel valued, empowered, and confident in their abilities and to motivate individuals Educationally, Socially and Emotionally.
I am taking a mental well-being approach to address the mental health pandemic which leads to anxiety, truancy, anger anti-social behaviour and more extreme emotional struggles. I'm committed to supporting and investing in local solutions and growth while creating a movement of fairness, opportunity, and empathy. I strive to use thought, emotional intelligence and ethical practices to create an inclusive meaningful future through my coaching/mentoring program which engages young people through conversational-based learning. I aim to provide young people, children, and community groups with coaching/mentoring that will support them
with their low emotional well-being.
I place a firm belief that prevention is better than intervention and the goal is to equip each young person with the tools & coping strategies for the challenges that arise in life. It is imperative that we are responsive to meet the demands of the current climate and the ongoing need of support for mental wellbeing. There is an immense need for mentor, coaches and guidance, with the number of young people who lack role models and the appropriate guidance, mental health emotional support. I aim to be proactive and use a humanistic approach creates a positive and growing learning environment that is personal to each individual. ​
I take a holistic approach with each young people; starting where they are in terms of physical and emotional well-being, then creating a bespoke and realistically achievable plan for their developmental progress.  At the heart of everything I do is an unerring desire to make a positive difference to their lives, allowing young people to create better opportunities for themselves by making better choices & decisions in life. ​​
Experience has taught us that education is crucial and if used correctly it can literally change the world. Education comes in many forms and as we grow up and go through school, it’s easy to think that this is the only type of education we will receive and the only education from which we can learn. Whether or not a young person is actually attending school, we believe every day can still be viewed as a ‘school day’ and every day they can learn something new.
Mental Health
Stress Management
Anger Management
Self Esteem
Values & Beliefs
Social Development
i work with local authorities, community groups, schools, and 3rd sector organizations, via a referrals process. I have a fully enhanced DBS check, and the relevant policies are in place. I have trained and I am professionally qualified. I conduct a conversational-based learning process and documentation will be completed weekly via google notes to identify positive outcomes and assess the development of the young person’s goals. Evaluations and feedback will also be conducted and evidenced. If you have any questions please contact me.